10 Foods that Can Make an Overactive Bladder Worse

An overactive bladder (OAB) is a nuisance that can keep you up at night and disrupt your work and social life. That is why it is important to minimize your consumption of foods that can irritate your bladder and trigger sudden urge to urinate. Here are 10 foods to avoid if you have an overactive …

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What Causes Vaginal Dryness?

Hormonal fluctuations, side-effects from certain treatments and psychological problems can all cause dryness in the vagina, which can lead to pain during sex. If sex feels painful because of insufficient vaginal lubrication, the first step is identifying what is causing your vaginal dryness. Here are some likely culprits: Hormonal Changes: Changing estrogen levels during menopause, …

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Could Earlier Hot Flashes Lead to Heart Disease?

In two separate studies, researchers at the University of Pittsburg have found that women who start experiencing hot flashes earlier in life are at an elevated risk of heart disease. One of the studies also established a link between more frequent hot flashes and greater risk for heart problems. The study’s findings show that hot …

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Hot Flashes 101

What causes hot flashes? We still don’t know for sure. Changes in hormonal balance during menopause clearly play a role. Some think that changes in the circulatory system could be a trigger, which would explain why the face flushes red. Even though their cause remains a puzzle, more than two in three women experience symptoms …

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What is the Link between Hot Flashes and Hip Fractures?

According to a new study, women who suffer hot flashes during menopause are almost twice as likely to fracture their hips later in life. Hip fractures are among the most damaging injuries for seniors. Carolyn J. Crandall of UCLA, the author of the study, analyzed data for over 23,000 women between 50 and 70 years …

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